Things I hate about blogs
Since I have criticized blogs in my blog for criticizing blogs, which in itself is a contradiction, I will now further contradict myself by telling you what you shouldn't blog. Keep in mind, this is simply advice, and that advice is coming from a blogger who sucks.Posting song lyrics is the lowest form of blogging. It barely even counts as blogging if you are a 14 year-old girl, but if you are an adult doing it, stop. Maybe when you were fourteen this was all you knew about the world since you hadn't actually experienced any of it. If you are an adult, give me your persepctive, not the words of some hack songwriter as performed by multi-millionaire pop star. A quote to emphasize your view or explain your inspiration might be okay. If you post a whole song, grow the fuck up.
Stop posting about American Idol. It's bad enough you watch that lame-ass rip-off of Star Search (which was lame-ass too) but admitting it in a public post? You should be ashamed of yourself. Blogging about a TV show in general is pretty shameful. "Here's what someone else is doing creatively while I sit on my ass and do nothing." Poker shows and movie reviews are obvious exceptions, but if your post starts even the teenyest bit like "Can you believe what happened on [insert current fad TV phenomenon] show last night?" then eighty-six that shit.
Stop bitching about blogger eating your posts! You have two choices. Write in another app and copy/paste, or shut up! There is no C option! Also, don't tell us about a post you wrote that you deleted. Either you have the balls to post something or you don't. (Note: I am aware that there is no difference between this and what I did saying I was going to make a "hate" post and then not following through. I have always maintained that this blog sucks.)
Stop advertising tournaments on your blog and not telling the game you are playing. I know that it's a No Limit Holdem world, but some of us really look forward to non-holdem events. You're just teasing us by not saying what game you are playing. Note: Having TWO NLHE events at the same time isn't "changing things up." It's just more of the same shit.
Other than that, the only advice I can give is to stop doing what's not working, and move on to something that hopefully does work for you. There's room for everyone in the blogosphere, and everyone should be happy with what they are doing. And maybe take things just a little less seriously.
Sheesh, I thought I was grumpy....
Still mad about Katie Couric leaving the Today show?
What works for me is posting once every two weeks. I should probably work on that.
Reminds me of a song though, let me go get the lyrics. I think they sung in on Idol last night. Can you believe that vote? Anyway, I've got a tournament I'm hosting for $13, to change it up a bit. Shit, did Blogger just eat my comment again!!!!!1!!1!won!!1
seriously, keep it up Duggle, I like when you go and be rude.
Rant like a champion today.
The "what game the tournament will be" wasn't directed at you. Maybe you haven't noticed, but there's at least one private tournament every day of the week.
As far as playing in your "two at once" tournament, I won't be participating. I am interested in how you will be preventing players from playing in just one of them.
Now I remember by you're not in my bloglines! ;-P
You clearly don't understand what a blog is all about. If you don't have the McPheever, you're not a man.
Don't be a girl!
You are SO gay.
nice post....
I agree with the sentiment.
Be rude all you want duggle. You only really have you to answer to.
"DuggleBogey said...
You are SO gay.
11:57 PM"
Aren't you a poker blogger?
Um, pot... meet kettle. :-D
Thank you... and how do you do the cool ' over the e? I always wanted to do that.
(Which is totally not gay at all.)
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