Friday, June 02, 2006

And I thought blogs were gay...

Myspace is the gayest thing I have ever seen.

I thought Myspace was just a thing for pre-teen girls to post about the latest trendy whatevers that I know nothing about. Then I saw the first item in everyone's profile is "sexual orientation."

Nice. I think I understand all the news stories a few weeks ago that basically said "Are your kids using Myspace to find fuck buddies?" The "news" has a wonderful way of striking fear and paranoia in the hearts of parents more than any other group, doesn't it?

But overall, it's still incredibly gay. All the pages on there have this queer music player thing, and I may just be incredibly out of touch, but every page I've been to has the same Industrial/Dance/Rave song playing. Not that all those songs sound the same to me. Nooooo. But that also makes it take forever for the pages to load, along with the thousands of pictures on every page, uploaded by internet retards who think it's fine to have a 2gig picture as their background.

If you're over 15, get the fuck off of Myspace and get a real blog. And if you're 40 years old wearing hip-hop clothes making a surfer sign with your hands in a desperate attempt to look younger and get laid over the internet, your picture is in the dictionary under the listing for "pathetic."

Not appropriate joke for Poker Comic, but I still wanted to tell it: "Did you know there was a website you can go to that tells you the names of all the sexual predators in your area?? It's called"


Shelly said...

dude i'm addicted to myspace. i found a bunch of old high school friends, and my old next-door-neighbor friend from when i was like 10. maybe you just have no friends :) i'll friend you!

DuggleBogey said...

Yah, but you gotta admit there's some seriously retarded shit going on there...

Not that blogs are any less retarded just....less 14 year-old girlish...

Yoyo (Poker Poison) said...

You know what I

Thanks for the laugh..I'm finally catching up on my reading..