Monday, February 13, 2006

Austin is a No Go

I got the final word today that the Austin job is not going to happen. I saw the job listed again on several job search sites to I contacted them and they decided they wanted a different skill set, as noted in the changes to the job listings.

I wish them good luck finding someone with that skillset. They've defined an incredibly narrow set of skills that I'm sure no actual human fulfills. I was starting to get the feeling that they didn't really want people for this job, but for some reason they always want it listed. Had they asked me about some of the skills they added, I would have been able to fulfill them. But some of them are totally ridiculous. Like 3 years of experience on software that was released last year. Very nice.

So now I am down to Lansing Michigan, which is a sure thing, unless I can swing this job in Arlington Texas. The Arlington job is good for a lot of reasons, not just the weather.


SirFWALGMan said...

I hate HR trolls.. gl man.

Human Head said...


Fingers crossed for the Arlington posting, it's good to hear you still have outs :)

(still reeling over 3 yrs experience for software 1 yr. old)

April said...

Bummed you're not coming our way, but glad you still have options open. Here's hoping something cushy pans out soon.

phat said...

Do what I do, make up competing software products and say you have experience in those instead. It's pretty much impossible for them to prove you're lying.


q: Do you have experience with the QMS ticketing system

a: No but I've got 3 years experience with DWMS which is a ticketing app written by a small company in Canada. It's pretty much the same, but nowhere near as popular as QMS.