Tuesday, March 21, 2006

PSO Update

I haven't talked about Poker Source Online in a while so I thought I'd give an update.


I haven't done a promotion in a while at PSO and a lot of the regular users haven't either, mostly because they've done all the promotions PSO offers already. It's a common complaint "What do I do now?" after all promotions are completed.

Even if you don't do the promotions at PSO, there's still a lot going on, and if you were clever enough to join a Frequent Flopper Program you are basically always completing a promotion. Sometimes when I hear the amount of rakeback these Frequent Floppers receive, it makes my head spin. PSO still frequently hosts freeroll tournaments, and the league has an incredible amount of overlay ($10K for ten $5+$.50 tournaments!)

Even more encouraging is the way that PSO is beginning to embrace blogs as a medium of advertising. Some of their recent giveaways have been aimed towards blogs and bloggers, and they are sponsoring a blogger tournament in the near future that could have a prize of $25K if enough bloggers join the tourney.

Currently PSO is in the middle of a large site redesign, and I expect after that is complete there will be a lot of action over at PSO, and I think those of you with blogs will be in a position to benefit greatly from their continued generosity.

1 comment:

TripJax said...

good call on the screen shot. that gives a good idea of what they offer...